
Welcome to Southwestern College Chapel!

Chapel TeamWatch the live Chapel webcast on Facebook (Every Wednesday at 11 AM CST during the school year)

If you would like to join us in Chapel, this year it is being held outdoors at The Grove (aka Lovers Lane - the grove of trees between Admissions Welcome Center and Deets Library) every Wednesday morning at 11.  Click here to view a campus map.

2023-2024 "Try Something New" Chapel Season

2023-2024 Chapel Poster

Spring 2024 Chapel Schedule:

  • January 17 Alvin Mason
  • January 24 Sarah Stephenson with testimony by Rev. Nathan Cook
  • January 31 Krystal & Brent Winn, alumni
  • February 7 Joel & Lindsay Wilke, alumni
  • February 14 Anjaih & Justin Williams with testimony from Dr. Bryan and Julie Davis, alumni
  • February 21 Dr. Daniel & Sarah Miller with testimony from Tag and Elizabeth Wall, alumni
  • February 28 Dr. Jackson Lashier with testimony from Brae Wood
  • March 6 Dr. Simon Hill with testimony from Allyson Moon
  • March 13 Spring Break - No chapel service
  • March 20 The Branch Worship Group from Dallas, TX
  • March 27 Rev. Chali Kalaba, United Methodist District Superintendent of Great Plains Conference
  • April 3 SC Football Coach Ryan Nelson & SC Women’s Basketball Coach Chardonnae Parker
  • April 10 Rev. Jenni Conrady, SC Alumni and World Missionary
  • April 17 Senior Chapel with Caitlyn Hecker
  • April 24 Senior Chapel with Rev. Rodney Worsham

Chapel on Facebook



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