From the President
Dear friends,

The attacks of September 11 were a terrible shock for all of us.

Because our main campus students are smart and very savvy, it's easy to forget how young they are. The September 11 attacks are their December 7, 1941, their Kennedy assassination, their Watergate, the first time for most of them that the ground shook under their feet. The day of the attacks the college's faculty and administrators actively sought out students, encouraging them not to isolate themselves, discussing the attacks in class, and spreading the word about an evening prayer service. The service was led by Richard Wilke, the college's Bishop in Residence, and his words of comfort were sorely needed.

In the weeks since the attacks, students have organized fund-raising activities and a blood drive to support the relief efforts. A scholar of Islam visited our campus in early November and presented two very fine lectures. At the urging of the college's Board of Trustees, the college has recommitted itself to bringing students from around the world to Southwestern.

The attacks have been felt by our professional studies learners too, many of whom are employed in the commercial aircraft industry and related businesses in Wichita. Layoffs were looming anyway, but now their pace has accelerated. In response, the college has organized a number of career planning, networking, resume writing, and job search workshops for professional studies alumni and students.

For over a century Southwestern College has championed faith, hope, courage, and knowledge. Those values have informed the college's response to the events of September 11 and those values have never been more important and relevant.

I wish you peace and joy this Christmas and happier days in the new year.

Best regards,

Dick Merriman

From Enrollment Management

Dear alumni and friends,

Like many of us these days, I am constantly looking for hope. In the aftermath of the September tragedies, a conscious effort is needed to remain hopeful.

Fortunately, I am blessed with hope-filled conversations every time I interact with the current students at Southwestern College. They are bright, energetic, and concerned about others. They are from other countries and other parts of the United States. They are interested in many different academic and activity areas. They are a great group, learning, caring, and supportive of each other.

The good news is that this dynamic, positive student body has room to grow. With a new residence hall and a remodeled Mossman Hall, the college is ready for increased capacity.

And while Southwestern isn't for every student, we may be perfect for a high school student you know. Think about the junior high and senior high students you know, and ask yourself-would they benefit from great classmates, outstanding instruction, and future-oriented career preparation? If so, then we want to introduce them to SC.

You recently received the "What's In a Name?" brochure. Please take time to respond. We are prepared to stay in touch with kids of any age. Phonathon callers also can take your referrals, or call the admission office directly with names at (800) 846-1543.

Southwestern is a great place. You would be proud to meet our current students and have your kids, your grandkids, members of your youth group, or any other young person you care about join this community.

Steve Wilke '78
Vice President for Enrollment Management, Planning, and New Programs