Forward / Now

A Campaign for Southwestern College

Forward Now LogoWhether in classrooms, on practice fields, in community meetings or in church groups—the Builder Spirit matters. Builders are an engine for good. From our campus to the communities we each call home, our actions—big and small—move the world forward in positive and important ways.

Watch the Campaign Launch

In all the ways that Builders matter, in all the ways that Southwestern matters—the FORWARD / NOW campaign matters.

Christy-77As a Builder, your participation in the FORWARD / NOW campaign matters. Your contribution will make an immediate difference by improving the experience of existing students, faculty and staff and enhancing our ability to recruit and retain future Builders.

Together, we can honor the tradition and mission of Southwestern College. We can strengthen our college’s ability to attract, retain, and graduate people of high character— people who are committed to making the world a brighter and better place, people who build—because the world needs more Builders.

Make a Gift

Campaign Goals

The FORWARD / NOW campaign is a three-year $12 million philanthropic initiative rooted in Southwestern College’s strategic plan to invest in the academic and co-curricular experience at our college.

Southwestern College students and faculty have identified specific projects that FORWARD / NOW will immediately impact:

The FORWARD / NOW campaign is focused on providing funding for multiple projects that will move Southwestern College forward.

Campaign Leadership

  • David Smith ’73 | Co-Chair
  • Linda Smith | Co-Chair
  • Scott Hecht ’90 | Co-Chair
  • Shelley Hecht ’90 | Co-Chair
  • Bob Jewell ’77
  • Steph Kesler ’80
  • Angela Mayorga May ’97
  • Hal Reed ’71
  • Rod Strohl ’66
  • Robin Walker ’99


Shelly Hecht - Headshot“Southwestern College is on the move. There are smart, talented young people on campus right now, who are committed to the Builder Family, who are committed to making a difference.” Shelley Hecht ‘90


David Smith - Headshot“This is the time for our college. This is the time for Moundbuilders. We invest in this campaign because we know that it is moving Southwestern Forward Now.”  David Smith ‘73


Build an education.

Build an education.

Academic excellence sets SC apart.

36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.